Friday, March 06, 2009

Justin Timberlake - "My Love"

Why? Do I need a reason?

OK, fine: because it's Friday, and because I need a break from the logorrhea that's afflicted me lately, I thought I'd post my one of my favourite videos of the last few years. This is the full version of Justin Timberlake's "My Love" complete with jammed-sounding intro with Timbaland doing his thing (rather more successfully than T.I. later in the song, which is saying something given their respective reputations as rappers).

Anyway, it's still a great song, even if one or two of the lyrics veer a tad close to the wince-making. Mainly it's all about the dancing, which looks supercool (at least to this rhythmically-challenged soul), especially as the vid starts strobing between the black and the white backgrounds. At the end, the camera does almost a vertical 360 around Justin, which makes the intricate moves he's making in the air look mental (Sorry, I'm just not tooled up with the latest critico-theoretical language used to describe dance). Ahh thank goodness: the weekend just arrived...

1 comment:

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